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文章以车用电动空压机为研究内容,对其使用环境进行分析,同时对其在新能源车辆上控制策略做了分析,最后对其管路布局做分析,望对各大主机后续空压机管路布局有所借鉴。  相似文献   
在当今世界经济全球化的背景下,汽车工业快速增长,对能源的需求量也越来越大,同时对环境的污染也日益严重,这就使得电动汽车的研发与应用成为了一个新的趋势和潮流。目前电动汽车的研究主要集中在电动汽车的电池技术、驱动电机的控制技术、能量储存技术等方面,而其中的核心关键技术是电能的存储与分配。  相似文献   
为了总结面向智能车辆的现役道路设施行驶适应性,即现役道路基础设施承载智能车辆行驶的适宜程度,阐述自主智能驾驶定义与驾驶自动化等级分类,在此基础上剖析不同等级间的人机功能差异,并分别从感知层、感知-决策层、决策-控制层探讨与道路设计要素相关联的人机功能差异,通过归纳总结智能车辆与道路几何要素、路面性能及其他道路要素(如道路标线)的相互作用机制研究,从道路工程角度及其他道路要素方面回顾该领域的研究现状,指出存在的问题和未来发展方向。研究结果表明:相比传统车辆,配置高等级自动驾驶系统的智能车辆对现役道路设施行驶适应性最高,主动安全系统次之,而驾驶辅助及有条件自动驾驶系统适应性不足。而目前研究主要问题包括:难以归纳、标定不同驾驶自动化等级间的人机功能差异及其对于道路设计参数的需求设计值;测试道路场景条件过于理想,考虑的驾驶自动化等级单一,试验规模和样本有限;道路几何、路面性能以及道路标志、标线等道路要素与智能车辆间的相互作用机制研究不足,缺乏与不同道路场景相匹配的智能车辆驾驶特征数据的获取手段。因此建议:重视并推动与道路设计要素相关联的关键人机功能差异指标信息共享;联合高保真且可交互的道路场景、高精度感知传感器物理模型、车辆动力学模型及微观交通流模型,利用测试场景自动化生成、极限工况场景搜寻与泛化等技术开展智能驾驶虚拟测试,突破现有研究的深度和广度;探索反映不同等级智能车辆的道路行驶适应性特征指标与评价标准,精准、有效地评估预测复杂道路场景及不利道路条件下的行驶适应性。  相似文献   
为了解决传统匝道控制车流汇入时车辆需要减速至停止,从而造成延误时间过长的问题,提出了一种智能网联车环境下的高速匝道汇入车辆轨迹优化的两阶段优化模型,其中,第1 阶段优化车辆进入匝道口的时序;第2 阶段基于第1 阶段的最优时序,优化车辆轨迹. 根据所构建的模型设计了一种启发式算法优化车辆通过匝道冲突区域的时序,然后结合 GPOPS工具优化车辆的轨迹.为了验证所提出方法的有效性,将所提出的方法应用到20 min 随机到达的车流,进行仿真实验.实验结果表明,与先进先出的方法相比,本文所提出的方法能够使总延误减少59.7%,总油耗减少10.5%,说明该方法能够实现车辆以较高的速度通过匝道冲突区域,有效地减少了车辆汇入延误,同时也节约了油耗.  相似文献   
在充分分析典型四相位交叉口行人二次过街设置前、后的行人流与右转车流冲突的前提下,以行人过街时间占有率和行人群到达分布作为分析指标,利用可插车间隙理论得出行人单向通行和双向通行条件下的右转车通行能力计算公式;根据行人流随机消散和集中消散的不同特征,应用随机分布理论推导出右转车穿越行人流的延误模型;并通过算例对比分析行人二次过街设置前、后右转车通行能力和延误的变化值。结果表明,除了在少数行人流量比较大的情况下, 行人二次过街的设置会小幅度减少右转车的延误;在其他大多数情况下,行人二次过街设置后, 右转车的通行能力将受到限制,延误增大,其中,平均通行能力降低了16.68%,平均延误时间增大 了21%,所以,当右转车交通需求较大时,需同时考虑行人和右转车的交通运行状态,优化设计是否采用行人二次过街,避免右转车超出极限忍耐时间而增大与行人冲突的概率。  相似文献   
Battery-only electric vehicles (BEVs) generally offer better air quality through lowered emissions, along with energy savings and security. The issue of long-duration battery charging makes charging-station placement and design key for BEV adoption rates. This work uses genetic algorithms to identify profit-maximizing station placement and design details, with applications that reflect the costs of installing, operating, and maintaining service equipment, including land acquisition. Fast electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs) are placed across a congested city's network subject to stochastic demand for charging under a user-equilibrium traffic assignment. BEV users’ station choices consider endogenously determined travel times and on-site charging queues. The model allows for congested-travel and congested-station feedback into travelers’ route choices under elastic demand and BEV owners’ station choices, as well as charging price elasticity for BEV charging users.Boston-network results suggest that EVCSs should locate mostly along major highways, which may be a common finding for other metro settings. If 10% of current EV owners seek to charge en route, a user fee of $6 for a 30-min charging session is not enough for station profitability under a 5-year time horizon in this region. However, $10 per BEV charging delivers a 5-year profit of $0.82 million, and 11 cords across 3 stations are enough to accommodate a near-term charging demand in this Boston-area application. Shorter charging sessions, higher fees, and/or allowing for more cords per site also increase profits generally, everything else constant. Power-grid and station upgrades should keep pace with demand, to maximize profits over time, and avoid on-site congestion.  相似文献   
A potential solution to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transport sector is the use of alternative fuel vehicles (AFV). As global GHG emission standards have been in place for passenger cars for several years, infrastructure modelling for new AFV is an established topic. However, as the regulatory focus shifts towards heavy-duty vehicles (HDV), the market diffusion of AFV-HDV will increase as will planning the relevant AFV infrastructure for HDV. Existing modelling approaches need to be adapted, because the energy demand per individual refill increases significantly for HDV and there are regulatory as well as technical limitations for alternative fuel station (AFS) capacities at the same time. While the current research takes capacity restrictions for single stations into account, capacity limits for locations (i.e. nodes) – the places where refuelling stations are built such as highway entries, exits or intersections – are not yet considered. We extend existing models in this respect and introduce an optimal development for AFS considering (station) location capacity restrictions. The proposed method is applied to a case study of a potential fuel cell heavy-duty vehicle AFS network. We find that the location capacity limit has a major impact on the number of stations required, station utilization and station portfolio variety.  相似文献   
为构建更具代表性的机动车行驶工况,实测采集福州地区1辆机动车共20d的真实驾驶数 据,选取14个特征参数表征运动学片段信息,运用主成分分析和K-means聚类划分运动学片段聚类,根据聚类中心的距离筛选备选片段并随机组合构建工况集合。提取11个特征参数计算构建工况的误差,选择集合中误差最小的工况作为构建工况,提出利用混合约束自编码器构建工况优化模型,并研究参数标定方法,最终将平均误差由2.97%缩小到2.39%。混合约束自编码器模型的分析验证结果表明,优化策略符合实际情况,可以有效避免随机选择带来的误差不确定性,验证了所提出行驶工况构建流程的合理性,并提升了工况预测的精确度,得到模型参数推荐值。对实现碳达峰目标下的机动车碳排放预测及排放控制具有重要的现实作用和意义。  相似文献   
纪奎 《时代汽车》2022,(1):115-116
伴随科技的发展,新能源汽车成为现代化汽车制造技术下的新兴产物,为人们生活提供较多的便利,并且在环保方面也取得了一定的成绩。但因新能源汽车的发展尚处于初期阶段,在制造理念以及制造技术方面仍存在一些问题,同时受使用者使用方法以及其他客观因素的影响,导致新能源汽车故障频发,所以掌握新能源汽车故障维修的关键技术的意义重大。本文将对新能源汽车常见的故障及原因进行分析,并分析故障维修的关键技术,从而促使新能源汽车在实际使用中能够正常、安全的运行。  相似文献   
This study determines the optimal electric driving range of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) that minimizes the daily cost borne by the society when using this technology. An optimization framework is developed and applied to datasets representing the US market. Results indicate that the optimal range is 16 miles with an average social cost of $3.19 per day when exclusively charging at home, compared to $3.27 per day of driving a conventional vehicle. The optimal range is found to be sensitive to the cost of battery packs and the price of gasoline. When workplace charging is available, the optimal electric driving range surprisingly increases from 16 to 22 miles, as larger batteries would allow drivers to better take advantage of the charging opportunities to achieve longer electrified travel distances, yielding social cost savings. If workplace charging is available, the optimal density is to deploy a workplace charger for every 3.66 vehicles. Moreover, the diversification of the battery size, i.e., introducing a pair and triple of electric driving ranges to the market, could further decrease the average societal cost per PHEV by 7.45% and 11.5% respectively.  相似文献   
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